O'Hara Land Surveying      

Types of Surveys wile level

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Boundary Surveys

Boundary Surveys are performed by professional land surveyors to determine the location of a parcel of land as described in its Legal Description of Record, as is stated on the Deed. The property lines as established by a professional land surveyor can then be used to:

  • Update an inadequate description to current standards
  • Stake property lines for construction of improvements
  • Settle property line disputes
  • Provide the land owner with knowledge of his property lines
Boundary Surveys are performed to Ohio Revised Code (OAC) 4733-37, which includes but is not limited too monumentation of all property corners, a survey plat and a current legal description of the property.

Splits and Consolidations

Consolidation / Combination Surveys are performed to create one parcel out of multiple parcels. They are performed to Boundary Survey standards OAC 4733-37. A new legal description, survey plat and monumentation are provided.

Property Split / Subdivision Surveys are performed to create multiple parcels (subdivisions) of a larger parcel of land. Multiple legal descriptions are provided along with a survey plat and monumentation. These types of surveys have strict regulations by governing Townships, Cities, and County agencies. Extensive research should be done by both the property owner and the surveyor before proceeding with this type of survey


ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys are performed for Lenders and Title Companies on commercial real estate transfers. They are performed according to very strict standards as specified in the 2005 minimum standard detail requirements for ALTA/ACSM Land Surveys. Visit the ALTA/ACSM web site for detailed information.

Line Staking

Property Line Staking is provided only after the proper procedures for determining the exact location of the property lines have been performed. This usually entails a Boundary Survey to be performed prior to line staking. Property line stakes are provided for the purpose of, but not limited to fence line construction, building construction and septic field installation.